SOOOOO, two years after my last library bike ride visit, I finally commit to bicycling to the last and farthest of the King County Library System branches, Skykomish! Leaving home early on a Monday morning... & riding to Northgate for light rail ride to UDub stadium for 2 buses, first to Redmond where I got to revisit library with its oh-so-appropriate old bike race photos & children's mural over to Duvall with a friendly greeting from Ronni & staff & then off I go, first over scary shoulderless bridge and road to W. Snoqualmie Valley Road, a comparatively easy flat (though still mostly shoulderless) 10 mile rural ride into Monroe Not much going on here on a Monday night except for a brutal massage (neck is my body part that hurts the most from bike riding!), a middle eastern meal and lots of silly tv at highway 2 bordering hotel room -- & next to roaring railroad tracks too. Slept fitfully in anticipation of following days' two year fullfillment (choosin...
Summary: 1-49 libraries
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Yea, ok, so Tuesday is the only reasonable day to go to Skykomish and it's supposed to get up to the 90s next week so I may have to postpone but look where we've been so far...! and how many miles we have covered!: Home -Broadview – Greenwood – Green lake - University – Wallingford – Fremont- Queen Anne – Magnolia- Ballard: .3 + 2.5 + 1.5 + 1.3 + 1.3 + 1.2 + 1.9 + 4.7 + 3.1 = 17.8 Home - Northgate – Lake City – Northeast – Montlake – Capitol Hill – Madrona/Sally Goldmark – Douglas/Truth – International District/Chinatown - Downtown: 3.2 + 2 + 3.3 + 3.4 + 2.5 + 2.2 + 1.4 + 1.3 + 1.1 = 20.4 Home - Beacon Hill – Columbia – Rainier Beach – NewHolly – South Park – Southwest – High Point – Delridge - West seattle – 12 + 2.5 + 2.9 + 1.8 + 3.6 + 3.3 + 1.9 + 1 + 2.8 = 30.8 Home – Shoreline - Richmond beach – 3.5 + 3.8 = 7.3 [May 3] Home – Lake Forest Park – Kenmore – Bothell – Kingsgate – Kirkland- Bellevue – 6.1 + 1.6 + 3.2 + 3.9 + 5.7 + 4.5 = 25 [May 11] Home – M.I – Newport Way – ...
Penultimate North Bend!
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So, now I only need to descend down steep wide sidewalks under the near shadow of Mt. Si, and then turn east on busy 202, and as I come into North Bend how nice that there are multiple signs proclaiming "Library" for me, and here I arrive! & how lovely here is Julie inside and yes, she certainly could help me as to where the bus stop is and I found the main drag for a bakery quick stop before jumping on the hour-long bus ride (along with a gold prospector!) retracing my steps back to my car in Issaquah..... & that, folks, is library #49!!!! I only have Skykomish left -- will I ever make it there? We shall see but there is at least one more blog post to go....(!)
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Now, backtracking a little on Fall City road then turn off and big uphill, Lake Alice Rd, then onto Preston-Snoqualmie trail road and then finally google maps truly fails me as it tells me to turn off onto Deep Creek Trail which is not really a bike trail at all but a hiking trail and quite steep uphill, seemingly not the ".7 mile" but seems more like 2 miles, and I rode it a little way but man it got steep and I was now thoroughly exhausted, hard enough just to keep walking up, up, up.....(am I even going the right way?!)... But then a funny little sanctuary just off the trail... and once I ascend to the top, I actually come out next to a children's playground with jungle jim etc. -- have to ask a dog walker for directions but it's pretty straightforward (and level) to Snoqualmie!: & there's Michelle who was happy to show me the special 'spell yr name with raindrops' sculpture by Trimpin inside but I used to be so proud hearing from some Britis...
Fall City
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Soooo, a swift drive to Issaquah transit center -- how nice that Wendy P is there to greet me & chat a bit etc.! -- and now I start, but waitaminnit!: no internet on my phone??? Oh well, guess I can manage with my crude black & white print outs from google maps, but NO: now part of the bike trail is closed and I have to make a detour?: This sign is fine but as you can see, the actual green line marking the road that I am supposed to detour on is covering up the name of the road!!! And then I discover my phone doesn't even work to call them....luckily I see a couple of hardy bicyclists go by with big backpacks on their bikes so I figure that MUST be the right way...! And now I climb but then discover once again, a quite nice and oh-so-hidden-from-car-traffic bike trail paralleling I-90, this one not even paved but still a good hard trail and I nearly all alone on it... And now since I am not using my phone for directions I can take more photos than usual....once I got to Pr...
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& now a long windy road down to the ferry dock, a bit of a wait -- and then loading on after cars? -- but the glorious sunny crossing from Fauntleroy to Vashon Island! SO many had warned me of the long steep hill after landing and boy, were they ever correct ( puff, puff!) & then a few miles more and here is Vashon! And exuberant enthused staff inside (though too bad Lara not there) -- not sure I had ever been inside here before.... though they did not seem to know that the brewpub across the street isn't even open except at the end of the week, but I found a drink and bite to eat up the hill, a stop at thriftway for plenty of goodies and then the long haul back to the ferry ending with the thrilling steep downhill glide...! Somehow I didn't put together that I should have taken some different (passenger only?) ferry back to downtown Seattle so returned to Fauntleroy but how can one complain with views like this?!: And it was then 2 more long bus rides to get home thou...
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Very close to White Center (and methinks, not too far from some of the SW Seattle branches I had biked to which now seemed so long ago already!) I came upon Greenbridge! Not only one of the only branches without their collection online, but also having no music CDs to check out (what sacrilege!) but also about the only branch without a bike stand outside to lock up to...! But at least one staffer inside recognized me from the occ. post about this bike venture I have been putting on the KCLS staff association facebook page!